Go for the dizzy heights in the Lake District
Go to the Lake District for a cottage holiday and really have the time of your life in the great outdoors.
Most of us are aware that the Lake District is a favourite English holiday destination, however, I have only just experienced a week there and am enthralled by its beauty and variety.
The highlight of my holiday was the dizzy heights of the Hardknott Pass, followed by the Wrynose Pass. The rising rocky hills and crags are most impressive and the tight looping downhill bends – definitely scary.

Looking back at the Eskdale Valley from the Hardknott Pass in Cumbria
From the highest point in the Hardknott Pass, you can look back into the lush green velvet that is the Eskdale Valley below. Few people venture up through the pass, it’s not a place that people are that comfortable with driving through because of the hairpin bends, steep inclines and narrow road with few passing places. The occasional sheep stops nibbling grass and stares awhile at passing walkers and cars are completely ignored – as if they do not exist.

Feel on top of the world in the Hardknott Pass
This is a remote beautiful place where the rocky crags and boulders dominate the skyline, harsh and unforgiving, it is somewhere to go to be alone and feel glad to be alive. Choose a good day for blue skies and good visibility to make the most of the views.

Tumbling brooks and streams crisscross the landscape
Travelling downhill through the Wrynose Pass in the direction of Little Langdale and Ableside, there are countless tumbling streams and waterfalls that splash down the rocks. On either side are hills and fields where sheep graze. No one lives in the high parts until lower ground is reached because the landscape is far too inhospitable. A visit to this part of Cumbria makes the popular tourist areas of Lake Windermere, Coniston and the villages of Ambleside and Grasmere seem completely tame and civilised in comparison.
I recommend that journey through the Hardknott and Wrynose Passes for raw beauty, feeling at one with nature and the occasional adrenalin rush when driving through the bends.
Do take a look at holiday cottages in the Lake District – a range of cottages from low to high prices are available depending on whether you’re happy with simple accommodation because you plan to be out most of the time or whether you need luxury.
Category: Country Breaks, country cottages, Holiday cottages in Bowness & windermere, Lake District
Tags: Cumbria, Hardknott Pass, Holiday cottages in the Lake District, Lake District, Wrynose Pass
admin - June 5, 2014